Had check other track before judge.
Intro very decent. From the other song i listned to. Isuggest maybe take off the old track or put it somewhere else.
What i listen here you learned from ur misstake back then and got hang of the balance of the songs. Intro is very standard but is fine Piano on intro is fine but very bright.
Idident really like the chord piano could need more epiced version of it.
Really nice mainbreak very classic tunes. Guitar is ok but barely hear it in this big sounding of strings. Synth work intro was fine but then on main part really got lacked of energy very cheesy to me could be mixed better. Ithink Synth to be honestly is way to hard from the rest of the song it could be something else. Arp synths there alot of style to it. I reconize basic every sounds Nexus vst?
Anyway its alot better then ur song from 09 just still it need some refine someplaces Especily on the synths. Im sorry if english is abit rusty typeing. But keep on working /TN